The number of storms that hit the Unites States is ranging from 8 to 12 annually in the last few years. The number of these storms is increasing every year and officials of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration keeps on reminding the nation to stay alert and vigilant during these times. Every thunderstorm has a straight-line burst of wind, says Walt Zaleski, a National Weather Service meteorologist. At 50 to 60 mph, you start seeing hail damage to a roof and trees toppling, power lines coming down, debris blown from your neighbors house? Thus even a storm that did not release heavy rain or hail, the possibility of the wind damaging a roof is possible. Therefore, it is a must-do to check for any roofing repairs that may be needed after a storm, tornado, or thunderstorm. Have a roofing contractor to asses any inflicted damages to give it the repairs that will be needed. Using a roofing company in Scranton will save you money and prevent any further impairment than if it were to be neglected
Do not go out to see the status of a roof unless you are a hundred percent sure that the storm has fully passed through. There are some rare cases that a storm may seem to have passed already, but will in a few minutes begin to gain strength again and continue on its track. Homeowners should make sure that the storm is miles away before going out to see the damages done. There were reports of fatalities due to accidents caused by carelessness in prematurely checking of storm damage in the Scranton area. Stay tuned to the news for latest updates in your area regarding the hail damages on neighboring places. That way you are sure of your safety. By hiring a professional roofing company, like Blue Square Builders, to come and asses for repairs is always a better option.
If you still would like to check a roof for repairs before contacting the roofing contractors in Scranton be sure to follow this next step. There are many indicators of a damaged roof that can be found on the ground after a storm. The weather that may have caused damaging impact on your roof would have also damaged some items and things on the ground like furniture on the patio, broken pots on the garden, your car windows, or even dents and chips on your walls are enough giveaways for you to know that a roof is most likely damaged. Also, be keen to look for shingle pieces on the ground or on your gutters. If you have enough space, try to move away from the house far enough to get a glimpse of your roof, then use binoculars to take a look at the status of the roof. Even the image may be blurry, an initial diagnostic can be made. Lastly the most obvious way to analyze if the roof is damaged is if there are tree branches or trunks hanging from the roof. The damages could be great especially if your roof is a bit aged and has survived many other storms in the past.
Contacting a roofing company in Scranton is the final step and the best thing to do after terrible weather. Roofers are properly trained and they will be able to fix a roof faster and safely. Blue Square Builders works locally in the Scranton area and we can give you a free estimate on what to expect!